Thursday, February 27, 2014


Awesome website

Check this out

Tips to de-stress

     In my free time in my dorm I love to sew. It has been a hobby of mine since I was young. Doing things that take your mind off of stressful and touchy subjects will decrease your level of stress. I have found that some of the most ridiculous things can put my mind at ease. For example, lets play around with common college scenarios.

The night before the exam
The most dreaded night for anyone in college. Spending hours of studying with no break can put a lot of harm on your body. Remember to do things that will relax your mind. Such as, drinking plenty of water, getting a good night sleep, going to bed early and not pulling the occasional all-nighter.
Below is a list of tings to do when under a great deal of stress.
1. Go to the gym with a friend
2.Craft a project
3.Cook or try a new recipe
4. Try a new hobby
5. Take a Vacation
6.Take time to read a favorite book
7.Meditate or try yoga
8.The unavoidable 15-minute nap
9. Write
10.Take a walk; get some air and sun (yes, even if its winter)

The morning before make sure to, get up an at least an hour before the exam to prepare yourself, eat a good breakfast, and review any material that you find difficult.

Time Crunch
Sometimes writing down everything that needs to be done will help you accomplish your goals you have for each semester. So, in this sense try using something similar to a calendar white-board or daily white-board list to assist you in your planning. Sometimes a simple check mark or cross out can build your confidence level.

The accidental nap
Oh no, you wake up and you missed the first 30 minutes of class.
What to do now?

Just go, it is better to make an appearance than none at all. No matter how you look, what people will say, or how it seems. It is always in the best interest to put in more effort than you thought possible.


   Wheelock College offers an enormous amount of support services, field placements, and hands on experience in the work force. As a first year student I was part of Jumpstart, an AmeriCorps program. It was an amazing experience I will truly never forget. My goal was to explore whether I wanted to work with children in the future.
     I knew I wanted to be in the helping profession, yet at times I still questioned can I handle this? I quickly learned once Jumpstart ended I wanted to be a social worker. After my experience I knew I could handle my future, and the amount of stress involved in the profession. In high school, I can remember my guidance counselor telling me that it would not be easy, but she had faith in me. Not knowing what that really meant I explored and realized I was ready to have faith in myself and that I could do it.


I would like to introduce myself as Jessica Mary. My personal passions include helping others achieve his or her own personal goals by thoroughly assessing past experiences, and future options in life. I am very interested in the profession of social work. My interests include volunteering, helping others, and pursuing my own passions in life. I believe that motivation is the key to a person’s success in life. We all have room for improvement. My main ambition for myself as it relates to my personal profession would be to further my education to the absolute. I tend to look for the positive in life, preferring not to dwell on any bad experience. I look at the past as a positive not a negative.
Believe because.
We all have the power to make positive changes in life.
Make Change, because.
Why sit and wait for something to happen when we all have power grow.
Never Hold Back, because.

There will always be something look forward to.